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PSD2 Open Banking API

In line with the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), Curve allows authorized third party providers (TPPs) to access accounts on customer's behalf with their explicit consent. Curve has implemented all the necessary systems to share services and data with registered TPP in a secure and reliable way.

Curve PSD2 API Architecture

Curve's PSD2 API is free to use for certified AISP services. The Curve PSD2 API is designed on a RESTful model using JSON structures. It is based on NextGenPSD2 framework version 1.3.6, also known as Berlin Group standard for Curve Europe UAB, and Open Banking UK framework version 3.1.6 for Curve UK.


Curve PSD2/OB API Sandbox is a secure, dedicated testing environment that facilitates the onboarding and learning process of the TPP with non-real user data. The documentation is available on Curve Europe UAB API and Curve UK API developer portals.

Production API

After integrating our sandbox to perform tests, you can use the production API configuration to go live. The documentation is available on our Curve Europe UAB developer portal.


The quarterly statistics of our mobile interface can be accessed via the following link: Curve Availability.

The quarterly statistics on the availability and performance of the dedicated interface is available on PSD2 statistics.